1. Overview:
Population: 7.162.864 habitants (based on 2009)Area: 2,095.2 sq. km
Tourists: 4.3 million international visitors to Vietnam (this figure is Ho Chi Minh City Visitor information of 2007)
Districts: District 1, District 2, District 3, District 4, District 5, District 6, District 7, District 8, District 9, District 10, District 11, District 12, District Tan Binh, District Binh Thanh, District Phu Nhuan, District Thu Duc, District Go Vap, District Binh Tan, District Tan Phu, District Binh Chanh (the data is Ho Chi Minh City Visitor information of 2011, in the past there are fewer districts because some districts were divided into two)
Rural districts: Nha Be, Can Gio, Hoc Mon, Cu Chi.
Ethnic groups: Kinh (Viet people), Chinese, Khmer, Cham...
2. Travel
On foot: In district 1, there are many places to visit which are not very far from each other. So, this is really a best way. Visitors can find these places of district 1 at "Attraction places".