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Distance from BIEN HOA CITY vietnam to HO CHI MINH CITY vietnam

The map below shows tourists the roads to take to go from Bien Hoa city to Ho Chi Minh city.

View Bien Hoa city to Ho Chi Minh city in a larger map

Zoom in the map to find which roads to take from Bien Hoa city to Ho Chi Minh city. Click the line between Bien Hoa city and Ho Chi Minh city, tourists would see the distance between Bien Hoa city and Ho Chi Minh city. The figure answer the question how far is it from Bien Hoa city to Ho Chi Minh city.

What is the distance between Ho Chi Minh city - Bien Hoa? How far is it from Ho Chi Minh city to Bien Hoa? The answer about the distance is shown below the map. The map below shows the way to travel between Ho Chi Minh city and Bien Hoa.

Bien Hoa city is 27 kilometers or 17 miles from Ho Chi Minh city. It takes about 40 minutes to travel between Saigon, Ho Chi Minh city and Bien Hoa city, Dong Nai province by car or motorbike.