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Distance between Ho Chi Minh city - Vung Tau, Vietnam

Do you want to know the distance between Ho Chi Minh city - Vung Tau? How far is it from Ho Chi Minh city to Vung Tau? Tourists can find the answer below and the map to show the way to get to Vung Tau from Ho Chi Minh city?

- How far is it between the two places?
- The answer is 70 miles or 112 kilometers as driving distance. Driving time is: 2 hours 5 mins
- 39 miles or 63 kilometers as the crow flies.

You cannot fly between Ho Chi Minh city and Vung Tau; but you can take a hydrofoil. A hydrofoil takes less time from Ho Chi Minh to Vung Tau than a car or a bus. A hydrofoil takes about 1 hour 15 mins.

Distance as the crow flies = air distance = flight distance.