Adjectives collocate with EDUCATION:
higher (108), science (100), special (99), continuing (98), adult (93), health (92), secondary (91), sex (88), distance (88), online (87), business (87), medical (87), public (87), further (86), childhood (86), early childhood (85), quality (84), religious (82), teacher (82), technical (82), professional (80), career (80), elementary (80), vocational (79), international (78), primary (78), formal (78), university (77), free (76), basic (75), best (75), state (75), good (74), global (73), child (73), information (71), bilingual (70), graduate (68), nutrition (68), better (67), private (66), proper (66), prevention (65), gifted (65), compulsory (64), modern (63), civic (62), high quality (62), pre-school (62), full-time (61), agricultural (61), math (61), liberal (60), leading (59), urban (57), physics (57), excellent (56), digital (55), informal (54), theological (54), rounded (52), poor (51), scientific (51), part-time (50), much (50), humane (49), all-round (48), interactive (48), same (48), decent (47), specialized (47), disease (46), perfect (44), earth (43), adequate (43), prenatal (42), broad (42), first-class (41), holistic (41), needed (41), next (40), surgery (38), inadequate (36), experimental (36), village (36), well balanced (32), cyber (32), globe (31), superb (24), lifetime (23).
Adjectives collocate with EDUCATION (Sorted by ABC):
adequate (43), adult (93), agricultural (61), all-round (48), basic (75), best (75), better (67), bilingual (70), broad (42), business (87), career (80), child (73), childhood (86), civic (62), compulsory (64), continuing (98), cyber (32), decent (47), digital (55), disease (46), distance (88), early childhood (85), earth (43), elementary (80), excellent (56), experimental (36), first-class (41), formal (78), free (76), full-time (61), further (86), gifted (65), global (73), globe (31), good (74), graduate (68), health (92), high quality (62), higher (108), holistic (41), humane (49), inadequate (36), informal (54), information (71), interactive (48), international (78), leading (59), liberal (60), lifetime (23), math (61), medical (87), modern (63), much (50), needed (41), next (40), nutrition (68), online (87), part-time (50), perfect (44), physics (57), poor (51), prenatal (42), pre-school (62), prevention (65), primary (78), private (66), professional (80), proper (66), public (87), quality (84), religious (82), rounded (52), same (48), science (100), scientific (51), secondary (91), sex (88), special (99), specialized (47), state (75), superb (24), surgery (38), teacher (82), technical (82), theological (54), university (77), urban (57), village (36), vocational (79), well balanced (32).