Adjectives collocate with EFFECT:
side (124), adverse (87), negative (83), positive (79), same (79), long-term (79), significant (75), full (74), harmful (74), harmful (74), beneficial (73), immediate (70), immediate (70), ripple (70), little (69), direct (69), desired (69), desired (69), ill (69), environmental (68), protective (68), similar (68), dramatic (67), dramatic (67), toxic (67), detrimental (67), profound (67), lasting (67), lasting (67), damaging (66), devastating (66), therapeutic (65), net (65), domino (65), opposite (65), combined (65), possible (64), knock-on (64), potential (64), Anti-Inflammatory (64), cumulative (64), overall (64), viagra (63), placebo (63), main (61), maximum (61), deleterious (60), differential (59), indirect (58), indirect (58), calming (58), major (58), powerful (58), strong (56), stunning (56), short-term (55), important (55), serious (54), small (54), practical (54), big (54), teratogenic (53), minimal (53), unique (53), soothing (52), residual (52), likely (52), undesirable (51), magical (50), curative (49), disastrous (49), noticeable (49), far-reaching (49), negligible (49), destructive (48), substantial (48), visible (48), systemic (47), deterrent (47), spillover (47), unintended (47), permanent (46), debilitating (46), subtle (46), marked (45), preventive (45), remarkable (45), corrosive (44), green-house (44), striking (44), retroactive (43), short-run (43), diuretic (43), apparent (43), hypnotic (43), marginal (43), measurable (42), tremendous (42), salutary (42), catastrophic (41), considerable (41), modest (41), separate (39), distinct (38), appreciable (38), probable (38), spin-off (37), predicted (37), consistent (37), crippling (37), slight (37), detectable (36), perverse (35), disproportionate (35), hazardous (34), optimum (34), principal (33), inflationary (33), discernible (33), quantitative (33), unfortunate (33), aggregate (32), traumatic (30), startling (30), restorative (28), predictable (27), decisive (27), qualitative (26), antihistamine (23), disparate (22), cohesive (22), ambiguous (21), perceptible (20), disincentive (19), chief (18), soporific (18), divisive (16), Biaxin (15), anti-mania (15), detergent (13).
Adjectives collocate with EFFECT (Sorted by ABC):
adverse (87), aggregate (32), ambiguous (21), antihistamine (23), Anti-Inflammatory (64), anti-mania (15), apparent (43), appreciable (38), beneficial (73), Biaxin (15), big (54), calming (58), catastrophic (41), chief (18), cohesive (22), combined (65), considerable (41), consistent (37), corrosive (44), crippling (37), cumulative (64), curative (49), damaging (66), debilitating (46), decisive (27), deleterious (60), desired (69), desired (69), destructive (48), detectable (36), detergent (13), deterrent (47), detrimental (67), devastating (66), differential (59), direct (69), disastrous (49), discernible (33), disincentive (19), disparate (22), disproportionate (35), distinct (38), diuretic (43), divisive (16), domino (65), dramatic (67), dramatic (67), environmental (68), far-reaching (49), full (74), green-house (44), harmful (74), harmful (74), hazardous (34), hypnotic (43), ill (69), immediate (70), immediate (70), important (55), indirect (58), indirect (58), inflationary (33), knock-on (64), lasting (67), lasting (67), likely (52), little (69), long-term (79), magical (50), main (61), major (58), marginal (43), marked (45), maximum (61), measurable (42), minimal (53), modest (41), negative (83), negligible (49), net (65), noticeable (49), opposite (65), optimum (34), overall (64), perceptible (20), permanent (46), perverse (35), placebo (63), positive (79), possible (64), potential (64), powerful (58), practical (54), predictable (27), predicted (37), preventive (45), principal (33), probable (38), profound (67), protective (68), qualitative (26), quantitative (33), remarkable (45), residual (52), restorative (28), retroactive (43), ripple (70), salutary (42), same (79), separate (39), serious (54), short-run (43), short-term (55), side (124), significant (75), similar (68), slight (37), small (54), soothing (52), soporific (18), spillover (47), spin-off (37), startling (30), striking (44), strong (56), stunning (56), substantial (48), subtle (46), systemic (47), teratogenic (53), therapeutic (65), toxic (67), traumatic (30), tremendous (42), undesirable (51), unfortunate (33), unintended (47), unique (53), viagra (63), visible (48),