Adjectives that collocate with ELECTION (Sorted by collocation rank)
presidential (96), above (91), general (79), next (79), primary (77), parliamentary (77), special (76), local (76), midterm (73), state (73), last (73), national (72), national (72), municipal (70), council (70), recall (70), upcoming (69), federal (67), fair (66), new (66), congressional (65), democratic (65), democratic (65), senate (64), free (63), early (63), legislative (62), city (61), party (61), mayoral (61), gubernatorial (60), the house (59), coming (59), central (58), other (58), runoff (55), school (55), multi-party (55), direct (54), local government (54), fresh (53), historical (53), leadership (52), rigged (50), senatorial (44), landslide (43), regional (42), unconditional (37), valid (36), good (35), run-off (33), the state's (33), indirect (31), amendment (31), given (29), impending (28), precinct (25), better (23), anticipated (18), impartial (15).
Adjectives that collocate with ELECTION (Sorted by ABC)
above (91), amendment (31), anticipated (18), better (23), central (58), city (61), coming (59), congressional (65), council (70), democratic (65), democratic (65), direct (54), early (63), fair (66), federal (67), free (63), fresh (53), general (79), given (29), good (35), gubernatorial (60), historical (53), impartial (15), impending (28), indirect (31), landslide (43), last (73), leadership (52), legislative (62), local (76), local government (54), mayoral (61), midterm (73), multi-party (55), municipal (70), national (72), national (72), new (66), next (79), other (58), parliamentary (77), party (61), precinct (25), presidential (96), primary (77), recall (70), regional (42), rigged (50), runoff (55), run-off (33), school (55), senate (64), senatorial (44), special (76), state (73), the house (59), the state's (33), unconditional (37), upcoming (69), valid (36).