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Expression - Collocations dictionary

Adjectives collocate with EXPRESSION:
regular (92), gene (91), facial (88), creative (82), artistic (73), art (71), free (70), personal (66), literary (65), mathematical (64), following (62), ultimate (59), new (58), english (58), musical (58), idiomatic (58), cultural (57), emotional (57), simple (56), blank (56), same (55), bland (55), common (55), full (54), religious (54), perfect (54), individual (53), natural (52), sexual (51), public (51), human (51), unique (51), serious (51), analytical (51), functional (51), radical (50), verbal (50), colloquial (50), slang (49), visual (49), music (49), political (49), approximate (48), original (48), puzzled (48), whole (48), shocked (47), physical (47), highest (47), type (47), american (47), thoughtful (46), classic (46), pained (46), sad (46), open (46), relative (45), direct (45), clear (45), worried (44), outward (44), set (44), poetic (44), favorite (43), formal (43), filter (43), last (43), various (43), surprised (43), body (42), powerful (42), figurative (42), angry (41), strange (41), dynamic (41), local (40), tangible (40), curious (39), linguistic (39), spontaneous (38), innocent (38), intense (38), referring (37), visible (37), odd (37), grim (36), amused (36), stern (36), concrete (36), practical (34), corresponding (34), smug (33), vacant (33), quizzical (32), effective (32), bemused (32), unreadable (32), bewildered (32), supreme (31), overall (31), theoretical (30), deadpan (30), material (30), dazed (29), generator (29), characteristic (29), anxious (29), collective (29), diverse (29), legitimate (29), asymptotic (29), troubled (28), fierce (28), vulgar (27), right-hand side (27), overt (27), glazed (27), satisfied (27), unusual (27), specified (26), wistful (25), trigonometric (25), geographical (24), fleeting (24), internet (23), melancholy (23), alert (23), furious (20), policy (20), frustrated (20), enigmatic (19), intermediate (19), way (19), hangdog (19), brooding (19), frozen (19), sympathetic (18), baffled (18), base (18), guarded (18), mournful (17), bracketed (17), doubtful (17), expand (17), difficult (17), memorable (17), bound (16), flexible (16), root (16), rapt (16), wary (16), fear (15), coherent (15), wiggle (15), hidden (14), annual (14), inscrutable (14), wry (13), benign (13), remaining (12), bizarre (11), statistical (11), transformed (10), abbreviated (9), shift (9), faraway (8), printed (7), bleak (7), coarse (7), hyperbolic (5), searching (5), outdated (3), crafted (3), hunted (3), stated (1).

Adjectives collocate with EXPRESSION (Sorted by ABC):
abbreviated (9), alert (23), american (47), amused (36), analytical (51), angry (41), annual (14), anxious (29), approximate (48), art (71), artistic (73), asymptotic (29), baffled (18), base (18), bemused (32), benign (13), bewildered (32), bizarre (11), bland (55), blank (56), bleak (7), body (42), bound (16), bracketed (17), brooding (19), characteristic (29), classic (46), clear (45), coarse (7), coherent (15), collective (29), colloquial (50), common (55), concrete (36), corresponding (34), crafted (3), creative (82), cultural (57), curious (39), dazed (29), deadpan (30), difficult (17), direct (45), diverse (29), doubtful (17), dynamic (41), effective (32), emotional (57), english (58), enigmatic (19), expand (17), facial (88), faraway (8), favorite (43), fear (15), fierce (28), figurative (42), filter (43), fleeting (24), flexible (16), following (62), formal (43), free (70), frozen (19), frustrated (20), full (54), functional (51), furious (20), gene (91), generator (29), geographical (24), glazed (27), grim (36), guarded (18), hangdog (19), hidden (14), highest (47), human (51), hunted (3), hyperbolic (5), idiomatic (58), individual (53), innocent (38), inscrutable (14), intense (38), intermediate (19), internet (23), last (43), legitimate (29), linguistic (39), literary (65), local (40), material (30), mathematical (64), melancholy (23), memorable (17), mournful (17), music (49), musical (58), natural (52), new (58), odd (37), open (46), original (48), outdated (3), outward (44), overall (31), overt (27), pained (46), perfect (54), personal (66), physical (47), poetic (44), policy (20), political (49), powerful (42), practical (34), printed (7), public (51), puzzled (48), quizzical (32), radical (50), rapt (16), referring (37), regular (92), relative (45), religious (54), remaining (12), right-hand side (27), root (16), sad (46), same (55), satisfied (27), searching (5), serious (51), set (44), sexual (51), shift (9), shocked (47), simple (56), slang (49), smug (33), specified (26), spontaneous (38), stated (1), statistical (11), stern (36), strange (41), supreme (31), surprised (43), sympathetic (18), tangible (40), theoretical (30), thoughtful (46), transformed (10), trigonometric (25), troubled (28), type (47), ultimate (59), unique (51), unreadable (32), unusual (27), vacant (33), various (43), verbal (50), visible (37), visual (49), vulgar (27), wary (16), way (19), whole (48), wiggle (15), wistful (25), worried (44), wry (13).