Adjectives collocate with ORIGIN:
national (81), ethnic (73), unknown (66), human (63), animal (57), secret (56), true (55), same (53), recent (53), natural (51), common (51), geographical (49), ancient (49), historical (48), social (48), humble (47), foreign (47), early (45), vegetable (41), obscure (41), blue (38), racial (37), local (37), ancestral (36), intellectual (35), supernatural (34), mixed (33), noble (28), environmental (27), mineral (26), primitive (23), royal (20), lowly (20), peasant (16), doubtful (16), immediate (15), authentic (12).
Nouns + ORIGIN:
project (68), word (56), plant (53), dracula (49), background (44), history (42), phrase (37), class (33), working-class (25), middle-class (23), buddhism (12), slave (6).
Prepositions collocate with ORIGIN:
in, of, and by
Verbs + ORIGIN:
have (55), use (47), play (47), change (41), research (40), explain (34), trace (31), identify (27), win (27), share (25), discuss (22), run (20), investigate (19), analyze (8), reflect (5), obtain (5), accept (4), detect (2).