Adjectives that collocate with COUNTRY (Sorted by collocation rank)
developing (84), foreign (81), home (77), developed (74), African (73), old (71), member (68), beautiful (66), big (66), oil-producing (66), EU (66), great (65), poor (64), small (64), democratic (63), Muslim (62), free (61), neighboring (61), open (60), rich (60), host (60), industrialized (60), native (59), native (59), English-speaking (56), wild (56), oil-exporting (55), rough (54), communist (54), Western (53), hot (53), large (52), independent (50), ancient (49), low-income (49), NATO (48), Arab (48), socialist (47), non-member (47), far (46), advanced (46), capital (44), mountain (44), coastal (41), Eastern (41), strange (41), friendly (41), adopted (41), major (41), tropical (41), hunting (40), mountainous (38), desert (38), cold (38), backward (37), Catholic (37), underdeveloped (36), fascinating (35), enemy (35), neutral (35), historic (35), overseas (34), industrial (33), occupied (33), Anglophone (33), walking (33), distant (33), farming (31), faraway (31), capitalist (31), university (30), wooded (28), provincial (27),
Last edited Nov 12, 2011