Adjectives that collocate with EVIDENCE (Sorted by collocation rank)
scientific (80), new (79), more (78), further (75), empirical (74), strong (73), clear (71), hard (71), physical (71), anecdotal (70), first (69), DNA (69), available (69), video (68), direct (68), documentary (67), convincing (66), experimental (66), conclusive (66), present (66), circumstantial (65), substantial (65), compelling (65), photographic (64), medical (64), insufficient (64), forensic (64), good (64), recent (63), historical (63), ample (63), solid (62), overwhelming (62), archaeological (61), concrete (61), growing (61), same (60), current (59), objective (56), statistical (55), following (55), material (54), considerable (53), tangible (53), visual (53), factual (52), indirect (52), fresh (52), false (52), important (52), irrefutable (51), secret (51), conflicting (51), abundant (50), damning (49), positive (49), persuasive (49), visible (47), international (47), first-hand (46), main (46), firm (46), adequate (45), crucial (44), computer (44), powerful (44), scant (43), geological (43), extensive (43), incontrovertible (42), corroborative (39), vital (38), valuable (37), unequivocal (37), striking (36), flimsy (35), decisive (35), inadequate (33), unambiguous (31), formal (31), collected (31), living (30), indisputable (30), widespread (30), geologic (29), econometric (28), suppressed (28), fragmentary (22), mixed (22), extrabiblical (20), plentiful (17), fucking (16), GO (13), popular (8), respective (5), EPC (1),
Adjectives that collocate with EVIDENCE (Sorted by alphabetical order)
abundant (50), adequate (45), ample (63), anecdotal (70), archaeological (61), available (69), circumstantial (65), clear (71), collected (31), compelling (65), computer (44), conclusive (66), concrete (61), conflicting (51), considerable (53), convincing (66), corroborative (39), crucial (44), current (59), damning (49), decisive (35), direct (68), DNA (69), documentary (67), econometric (28), empirical (74), EPC (1), experimental (66), extensive (43), extrabiblical (20), factual (52), false (52), firm (46), first (69), first-hand (46), flimsy (35), following (55), forensic (64), formal (31), fragmentary (22), fresh (52), fucking (16), further (75), geologic (29), geological (43), GO (13), good (64), growing (61), hard (71), historical (63), important (52), inadequate (33), incontrovertible (42), indirect (52), indisputable (30), insufficient (64), international (47), irrefutable (51), living (30), main (46), material (54), medical (64), mixed (22), more (78), new (79), objective (56), overwhelming (62), persuasive (49), photographic (64), physical (71), plentiful (17), popular (8), positive (49), powerful (44), present (66), recent (63), respective (5), same (60), scant (43), scientific (80), secret (51), solid (62), statistical (55), striking (36), strong (73), substantial (65), suppressed (28), tangible (53), unambiguous (31), unequivocal (37), valuable (37), video (68), visible (47), visual (53), vital (38), widespread (30),
Last edited Nov 10, 2011