1. Account: Collocation of Account
2. Espionage: Collocation of Espionage
3. Machine: Collocation of Machine
4. Essence: Collocation of Essence
5. Idea: Collocation of Idea
6. Box: Collocation of Box
7. Benefit: Collocation of Benefit
8. Envelop: Collocation of Envelop
9. Effort: Collocation of Effort
10. Cause: Collocation of Cause
11. Foot: Collocation of Foot
12. Food: Collocation of Food
13. Village: Collocation of Village
14. Girl: Collocation of Girl
15. Exaggeration: Collocation of Exaggeration
16. Game: Collocation of Game
17. Equivalent: Collocation of Equivalent
18. Capital: Collocation of Capital
19. Star: Collocation of Star
20. Exclamation: Collocation of Exclamation