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II1 | Nelson nz and Dunedin City nz distance

How far is it from Nelson, New Zealand to Dunedin City, Otago, New Zealand? What is the distance in miles or how many kilometers between Nelson, New Zealand and Dunedin City, Otago, New Zealand? Get the distance below, and look at the map showing the position of Nelson, New Zealand and Dunedin City, Otago, New Zealand. If it is possible to drive from Nelson, New Zealand to Dunedin City, Otago, New Zealand, the map will show you how to.
Flight distance or air distance (as the crow flies)
347 miles or 559 kilometers
From Nelson, New Zealand to Dunedin City, Otago, New Zealand

Nelson, New Zealand:
Latitude: -41.269808
Longitude: 173.283577

Dunedin City, Otago, New Zealand:
Latitude: -45.878776
Longitude: 170.503006

Same questions for the above travel distance:
* How far is it from Nelson, New Zealand to Dunedin City, Otago, New Zealand?
* What is the distance between Nelson, New Zealand and Dunedin City, Otago, New Zealand?
* How many miles / kilometers is it to travel from Nelson, New Zealand to Dunedin City, Otago, New Zealand?
* How many miles / kilometers is the travel distance from Nelson, New Zealand to Dunedin City, Otago, New Zealand?

Are you traveling to Dunedin City, Otago, New Zealand? We wish you a good excursion and a lot of fun!

1. Que distancia hay entre Nelson, New Zealand y Dunedin City, Otago, New Zealand? Distancias de vuelo desde Nelson a Dunedin City. Cuantos kilometros de distancia hay entre Nelson, New Zealand y Dunedin City, Otago, New Zealand? Calcular la distancia por Aire en Kilometros entre Nelson y Dunedin City? Quiero viajar de Nelson, New Zealand a Dunedin City, Otago, New Zealand, y necesito saber las rutas y los kilómetros. ¿Está muy lejos de Nelson a Dunedin City?
2. Latitud y longitud de Nelson y Dunedin City
3. Mapa de carretera entre Nelson, New Zealand y Dunedin City, Otago, New Zealand.

La Distancia por Aire entre Nelson, New Zealand y Dunedin City, Otago, New Zealand es de 347 miles ~ 559 km

- Cuál es la distancia en coche (por carretera/ por tierra/ por carro) entre Nelson, New Zealand y Dunedin City, Otago, New Zealand?
- N/A. Ver el mapa.

Des informations:
1. Je voudrais savoir la distance en kilometre qu'il y a entre Nelson et Dunedin City. Quelle est la distance kilométrique entre Nelson et Dunedin City? Qu'est est la distance à vol d'oiseau entre Nelson, New Zealand et Dunedin City, Otago, New Zealand?Pouvez vous me dire la distance de Nelson, New Zealand à Dunedin City, Otago, New Zealand? Combien y a t'il de kilometres entre Nelson et Dunedin City? Combien est la distance kilometrique de Nelson, New Zealand à Dunedin City, Otago, New Zealand?
2. Latitude et longitude de Dunedin City, Otago, New Zealand et Nelson, New Zealand. Consultez latitude et longitude ci-dessus sous la carte.
3. Consultez une carte routière et affichez votre itinéraire afin d'optimiser votre trajet et votre route partout en Nelson, New Zealand et Dunedin City, Otago, New Zealand!

La distance à vol d'oiseau entre Nelson, New Zealand à Dunedin City, Otago, New Zealand est de 347 miles ~ 559 km

- Quelle est la distance par la route ou en voiture entre Nelson, New Zealand à Dunedin City, Otago, New Zealand?
- N/A. Consultez la carte détaillé ci-dessus.