Adjectives that collocate with BEARING (Sorted by collocation rank)
ball (69), wheel (66), shaft (62), load (62), main (59), roller (51), direct (49), new (49), other (49), old (46), motor (46), front (45), rear (45), quality (45), thrust (44), axle (44), radial (43), plastic (43), TO (42), timken (41), rolling (40), original (39), magnetic (38), important (38), inner (38), lower (37), needle (37), industrial (37), air (37), biggest (35), pinion (35), turbo (35), actual (34), cylindrical (34), journal (33), ralative (32), TRUE (32), tapered (31), double (31), entire (31), annular (30), right (30), correct (29), earliest (29), large-size (29), rotor (28), hydrostatic (27), best (26), complete (26), swivel (26), individual (25), headset (25), existing (25), significant (25), outboard (23), optimum (23), rudder (21), massive (20), advanced (19), split (18), short (16), supplied (16), shelf (16), swiss (11), fastest (11), assembled (9), distributor (8), highest (6), elevation (5), porous (5), polymer (5), rollerblade (4), coated (4), caged (2), head-race (2), conductive (1),
Adjectives that collocate with BEARING (Sorted by alphabetical order)
actual (34), advanced (19), air (37), annular (30), assembled (9), axle (44), ball (69), best (26), biggest (35), caged (2), coated (4), complete (26), conductive (1), correct (29), cylindrical (34), direct (49), distributor (8), double (31), earliest (29), elevation (5), entire (31), existing (25), fastest (11), front (45), head-race (2), headset (25), highest (6), hydrostatic (27), important (38), individual (25), industrial (37), inner (38), journal (33), large-size (29), load (62), lower (37), magnetic (38), main (59), massive (20), motor (46), needle (37), new (49), old (46), optimum (23), original (39), other (49), outboard (23), pinion (35), plastic (43), polymer (5), porous (5), quality (45), radial (43), ralative (32), rear (45), right (30), roller (51), rollerblade (4), rolling (40), rotor (28), rudder (21), shaft (62), shelf (16), short (16), significant (25), split (18), supplied (16), swiss (11), swivel (26), tapered (31), thrust (44), timken (41), TO (42), turbo (35), wheel (66), TRUE (32),
Last updated April 17, 2012