Adjectives that collocate with BLADE (Sorted by collocation rank)
saw (64), razor (59), knife (58), new (55), other (55), fan (54), cutter (53), protable (52), Ceramic (49), shovels (48), mower (46), mwer (46), serrated (45), IBM (45), rear-wiper (40), sharp (39), first (39), grass (38), wooden (34), single (34), double-edged (34), old (34), King's (33), extra (33), original (33), next (33), inner (32), removable (29), retractable (29), silent (28), various (28), blunt (27), shadow (27), included (27), detachable (27), rotary (26), Ax (26), legendary (24), popular (23), table (22), cursed (20), pointed (18), outside (18), opening (16), closed (15), fiberglass (15), rectangular (15), VR Pro (15), greatest (15), low (14), Intel (13), typical (12), hunter's (10), lightest (7), reinforced (3), scimitar (3), toughest (3),
Adjectives that collocate with BLADE (Sorted by alphabetical order)
Ax (26), blunt (27), Ceramic (49), closed (15), cursed (20), cutter (53), detachable (27), double-edged (34), extra (33), fan (54), fiberglass (15), first (39), grass (38), greatest (15), hunter's (10), IBM (45), included (27), inner (32), Intel (13), King's (33), knife (58), legendary (24), lightest (7), low (14), mower (46), mwer (46), new (55), next (33), old (34), opening (16), original (33), other (55), outside (18), pointed (18), popular (23), protable (52), razor (59), rear-wiper (40), rectangular (15), reinforced (3), removable (29), retractable (29), rotary (26), saw (64), scimitar (3), serrated (45), shadow (27), sharp (39), shovels (48), silent (28), single (34), table (22), toughest (3), typical (12), various (28), VR Pro (15), wooden (34),
Last updated April 17, 2012