Adjectives that collocate with EXPENDITURE (Sorted by collocation rank)
capital (73), total (70), military (66), public (65), government (61), additional (56), consumer (53), annual (53), health (52), state (51), household (51), current (49), federal (47), social (47), actual (46), estimated (45), operating (45), budget (44), personal (43), proposed (43), net (43), extra (41), average (38), increased (38), overall (38), advertising (36), national (36), massive (35), major (34), aggregate (34), future (34), direct (33), necessary (32), local (31), research (31), further (30), defence (29), low (29), projected (27), high (26), planned (25), budgeted (24), gross (24), departmental (24), huge (23), welfare (23), heavy (21), excessive (20), considerable (19), unnecessary (15), modest (4), per (-6),
Adjectives that collocate with EXPENDITURE (Sorted by alphabetical order)
actual (46), additional (56), advertising (36), aggregate (34), annual (53), average (38), budget (44), budgeted (24), capital (73), considerable (19), consumer (53), current (49), defence (29), departmental (24), direct (33), estimated (45), excessive (20), extra (41), federal (47), further (30), future (34), government (61), gross (24), health (52), heavy (21), high (26), household (51), huge (23), increased (38), local (31), low (29), major (34), massive (35), military (66), modest (4), national (36), necessary (32), net (43), operating (45), overall (38), per (-6), personal (43), planned (25), projected (27), proposed (43), public (65), research (31), social (47), state (51), total (70), unnecessary (15), welfare (23),
Last edited April 17, 2012