Adjectives that collocate with TASTE (Sorted by collocation rank)
bitter (96), first (90), good (80), sweet (78), bad (77), great (75), excellent (64), real (64), local (63), consumer (62), little (62), delicious (61), musical (61), creamy (60), fresh (57), reading (56), simple (55), rich (54), personal (54), public (54), aesthetic (53), authentic (53), poor (53), sour (52), varied (52), natural (52), pleasant (51), mild (51), sophisticated (50), sharp (50), contemporary (50), refreshing (49), salty (49), pungent (49), metallic (49), terrible (48), exquisite (48), smooth (47), distinctive (47), strong (45), popular (45), national (44), impeccable (44), literary (44), bland (44), modern (44), spicy (41), nasty (41), Western (40), unpleasant (39), foul (38), artistic (35), audience (35), eclectic (34), acquired (33), private (33), catholic (32), strange (31), extravagant (30), expensive (27), sexual (23), cultured (22), eccentric (17), educated (16), wide (15), modest (12), appalling (11), dubious (11), advanced (9),
Adjectives that collocate with TASTE (Sorted by alphabetical order)
acquired (33), advanced (9), aesthetic (53), appalling (11), artistic (35), audience (35), authentic (53), bad (77), bitter (96), bland (44), catholic (32), consumer (62), contemporary (50), creamy (60), cultured (22), delicious (61), distinctive (47), dubious (11), eccentric (17), eclectic (34), educated (16), excellent (64), expensive (27), exquisite (48), extravagant (30), first (90), foul (38), fresh (57), good (80), great (75), impeccable (44), literary (44), little (62), local (63), metallic (49), mild (51), modern (44), modest (12), musical (61), nasty (41), national (44), natural (52), personal (54), pleasant (51), poor (53), popular (45), private (33), public (54), pungent (49), reading (56), real (64), refreshing (49), rich (54), salty (49), sexual (23), sharp (50), simple (55), smooth (47), sophisticated (50), sour (52), spicy (41), strange (31), strong (45), sweet (78), terrible (48), unpleasant (39), varied (52), Western (40), wide (15),
Last edited April 17, 2012