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What is the distance from Ho Chi Minh to Hue?

What is the distance from ho chi minh to Hue? This is the question I found in this site search engine. I would like to give the answer from the page Distance Ho Chi Minh - Hue on this site.

- How far is it from Saigon, Ho Chi Minh city to Hue?
- 711 miles or 1145 kilometers.

If you are at Ho Chi Minh city, you can take Ho Chi Minh city tour 01 day or read this page Ho Chi Minh attractions to know more about the beauty of Ho Chi Minh city and then decide where to visit.

You can take tours from Ho Chi Minh city at TheSinhTourist.

If you have already arrived at Hue, take tours at the city. We will introduce more tours at Hue in the future. Then you can use the search engine on this site to search for tours in Hue.

Welcome to Vietnam to TrAvEl!!! And Have Fun!