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Travel distance Vung Tau to Hochiminh

In our site this page Distance between Ho Chi Minh city Vung Tau give you the information of Travel distance Vung Tau to Hochiminh. Also on that page, you can have the map showing the two locations of the Vung Tau and Ho Chi Minh. I would like to post the map again here and let you get the distance as well.

View Travel distance Vung Tau to Ho Chi Minh in a larger map

Question: What is travel distance Vung Tau to Hochiminh?
Answer 1: The answer of driving distance is 70 miles or 112 kilometers.
Answer 2: The distance as the crow flies (air distance or flight distance) is only 39 miles or 63 kilometers.
Answer 3: If you take hydrofoil, it takes you only one hour and 30 minutes from Ho Chi Minh to Vung Tau and it costs you about 10 USD/ticket.

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