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Debate - Collocations dictionary

Adjectives that collocate with DEBATE (Sorted by collocation rank)
after (34), public (78), political (76), presidential (76), current (69), heated (65), great (64), first (64), whole (62), freeholder (60), parliamentary (60), international (59), new (56), next (53), scientific (53), entire (52), floor (51), contemporary (50), intense (49), congressional (48), theoretical (47), fierce (46), lively (46), intellectual (45), third (44), ensuing (44), future (44), wider (43), latest (42), free (41), continuing (40), larger (40), three (39), national (39), televised (39), broader (38), subsequent (36), theological (35), slavery (34), last (33), welfare (33), sustainable (33), munk (32), ideological (31), vigorous (30), lengthy (29), official (29), extensive (29), long (27), inevitable (27), linguistic (27), considerable (26), protracted (25), crucial (25), brief (22), stormy (20), liberal (20), top (19), intensifying (18), multicultural (18), realist (16), loud (15), closing (14), recorded (4), communitarian (3), sexual (2),

Adjectives that collocate with DEBATE (Sorted by alphabetical order)
after (34), brief (22), broader (38), closing (14), communitarian (3), congressional (48), considerable (26), contemporary (50), continuing (40), crucial (25), current (69), ensuing (44), entire (52), extensive (29), fierce (46), first (64), floor (51), free (41), freeholder (60), future (44), great (64), heated (65), ideological (31), inevitable (27), intellectual (45), intense (49), intensifying (18), international (59), larger (40), last (33), latest (42), lengthy (29), liberal (20), linguistic (27), lively (46), long (27), loud (15), multicultural (18), munk (32), national (39), new (56), next (53), official (29), parliamentary (60), political (76), presidential (76), protracted (25), public (78), realist (16), recorded (4), scientific (53), sexual (2), slavery (34), stormy (20), subsequent (36), sustainable (33), televised (39), theological (35), theoretical (47), third (44), three (39), top (19), vigorous (30), welfare (33), whole (62), wider (43),

Last edited Nov 16, 2011