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Experience - Collocations dictionary

Adjectives that collocate with EXPERIENCE (Sorted by collocation rank)
abuse (27), work (100), life (93), learning (91), past (88), personal (88), previous (86), professional (85), good (84), relevant (81), human (80), first-hand (80), practical (80), unique (80), sexual (79), bad (78), real-life (77), educational (76), field (76), hands-on (76), body (74), recent (71), near-death (71), long (70), religious (70), individual (67), with (66), shared (65), early (64), direct (64), limited (61), everyday (60), lived (59), collective (59), subjective (58), pleasant (57), right (57), painful (57), mystical (56), wide (55), valuable (54), traumatic (52), interesting (52), sensory (52), appropriate (52), inner (51), day's (51), unforgettable (50), basic (47), various (46), second (46), conscious (45), rewarding (45), individual's (44), harrowing (43), psychic (43), enjoyable (42), childhood (42), person's (41), terrifying (41), exhilarating (40), perceptual (39), formative (39), invaluable (39), considerable (39), common (38), client's (38), liberating (36), visionary (32), raw (32), humbling (31), hair-raising (28), reform (28), larger (28), unsettling (26), vicarious (26), emotional (25), infant (22), if (22), odyssey (22), revelatory (18), sobering (17), analyst's (15), unnerving (15), sensible (14), void (14), clinician's (12), nerve-racking (11), shame (11), unrivalled (11), guide (10), without (9), poignant (7), intentional (6),

Adjectives that collocate with EXPERIENCE (Sorted by alphabetical order)
abuse (27), analyst's (15), appropriate (52), bad (78), basic (47), body (74), childhood (42), client's (38), clinician's (12), collective (59), common (38), conscious (45), considerable (39), day's (51), direct (64), early (64), educational (76), emotional (25), enjoyable (42), everyday (60), exhilarating (40), field (76), first-hand (80), formative (39), good (84), guide (10), hair-raising (28), hands-on (76), harrowing (43), human (80), humbling (31), if (22), individual (67), individual's (44), infant (22), inner (51), intentional (6), interesting (52), invaluable (39), larger (28), learning (91), liberating (36), life (93), limited (61), lived (59), long (70), mystical (56), near-death (71), nerve-racking (11), odyssey (22), painful (57), past (88), perceptual (39), personal (88), person's (41), pleasant (57), poignant (7), practical (80), previous (86), professional (85), psychic (43), raw (32), real-life (77), recent (71), reform (28), relevant (81), religious (70), revelatory (18), rewarding (45), right (57), second (46), sensible (14), sensory (52), sexual (79), shame (11), shared (65), sobering (17), subjective (58), terrifying (41), traumatic (52), unforgettable (50), unique (80), unnerving (15), unrivalled (11), unsettling (26), valuable (54), various (46), vicarious (26), visionary (32), void (14), wide (55), with (66), without (9), work (100),

Last edited Nov 16, 2011